Mind Alive Now, Massage for the Brain

This article first appeared in Texas Lifestyle Magazine on September 18, 2019.

The Mind Alive Now Experience brings the type of clarity, focus and inner peace usually seen after years meditating.

Bruce Meleski, or Dr. Mel as he’s called, has coached athletes, CEOs, working moms, and older adults for over 30 years on strategies to maintain their health and wellness. Dr. Mel has been interested in the human body and mind since graduating from the University of Pennsylvania and receiving his Master’s and Ph.D. in human biology from the University of Texas.

Dr. Mel
Dr. Bruce Meleski’s Mind Alive Now program targets the body’s restorative pathway, a multi-path communications between one’s body and mind. Following the pathway becomes a way of life and action that transforms the brain and increases the brain’s capacity. Photo courtesy Mind Alive Now

Struggling with his own sleep deprivation, Dr. Mel researched, analyzed and tested methods for many years in an effort  to counteract his own sleeplessness — with little to no success. It wasn’t until years after beginning the process did he have his eureka moment, bringing the missing link in his research into focus

Dr. Mel discovered that, by targeting  communication between body and mind, people learn to respond differently to the world around them. The repetitive actions used in the Mind Alive Now Experience create a state of integrated flow by training and managing the mind. The high intensity process ultimately leads to better sleep and pain management, less anxiety, improved performance and focus, and more overall happiness.

Each of the twelve Mind Alive Now sessions creates relaxation in participants’ bodies and subsequently their minds through what Dr. Mel calls ‘ultra-relaxation.’ Like anything, participants must be open to changing their thoughts and patterns in order for the process to work.

Dr. Mel personalizes the Body Logic process by working one-on-one with his clients to create an integrated flow state and improve brain metabolism. Photo courtesy Visualhunt

The Body Logic 12-Day Program  consists of three steps, with an essential element centering around sounds and vibrations. The sessions are customized for each person so no two sessions are really the same.

A 60-minute session begins with standing on a vibrating  stool designed to open pathways and prepare the body. The second step is body activation, similar to a massage with focus on the spine from the skull to the tailbone. Body activation releases stress in the shoulders, lower back, hips and legs.

Dr. Mel begins the 20-minute Sound-Vibration sensory experience with participants laying on a vibrating bed with earphones playing strategically chosen sounds to coincide with the intention set for the session.

According to Dr. Mel, “The high intensity process connects more neurons, more quickly than other restorative actions like meditation or yoga.”

Dr. Mel says during the Mind Alive process, people can have clear, lucid dreams or vision which ultimately transform their lives through healing and understanding. The sounds coupled with the vibrating massage table allow for some to experience visions of past occurrences locked away in the subconscious or floating colors transforming into places, shapes, birds or even faces.

Dr. M
Mind Alive Now targets the body’s restorative pathway, a multi-path communications between one’s body and mind. The pathway includes state of mind, neurosensory and nutritional brain balance integration. Photo courtesy Mind Alive Now

Living in a digital and connected world, people often forget to slow down and clear the mind of noises filling its pathways. Mind Alive Now is the anecdote to the hustle and bustle of the world and a place where calm and reflection collide, bringing peace to a person’s chaos.

Contact Dr. Mel for a free Mind Alive Now Experience introductory session.
You will be happy you did!

Cover photo courtesy Lesly Juarez, Unsplash

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